NMISF Summer "Fun"draiser
June 26, 2021
11am - 9pm
Special Event 3-6pm @ Corrales Location
Village Pizza
Coors Location: 3200 La Orilla Rd NW E-2, Albuquerque, NM 87120
Corrales Location: 4266 Corrales Rd, Corrales, NM 87048
Thank You to Our Volunteers:
Kelsea Sona
Tara McElheney
Emma Tomingas-Hatch
Nick Voges
Gretchen Oelsner
Monica Kozlowski
And our volunteer's significant others and children who hung out while we helped families find the right uniform size and talked about all of our upcoming events!

School Supply Fundraiser
May 28, 2021 to July 16, 2021
Free Shipping Ends June 18, 2021
Enjoy the crazy, easy convenience of ordering school supplies through NMISF - your one stop shop! A portion of the proceeds will go to NMISF for supporting the School. This program is a fundraiser to support NMIS and is optional; however, if you choose to not purchase through NMISF then you will still need to purchase school supplies on your own for your student(s). We need volunteers to help distribute the boxes to classrooms once they are shipped to the school. The exact date is TBD but is likely the first week of August.

Uniform/Spirit Wear Sales
June 14, 2021 to July 16, 2021
Online / Pick-Up Location TBD
We need volunteers to help count the uniform items when we receive them from our vendor and to organize them by order. The exact date is TBD but is likely the last week of July. We also need volunteers to help us hand out orders to families before the first day of school. The exact dates are TBD but are likely August 6th and 7th.

Playground Beautification
August 7, 2021 from 8am-12pm
NMIS Drive-Thru by Administrative Office
Help the make the playground we have as special as it can be until we get our dream playground. NMISF is using funds from the Village Pizza night to purchase playground equipment. We need help separating the equipment per classroom. We've also been approved to create hop-scotch, 4 square etc. in the playground. We need your help to make all this happen! Bring sunscreen, a hat and your enthusiasm to make this happen!
All adults welcome, please leave the kiddos at home.
Background check not required for volunteers.

Back-To-School Uniform and School Supply Order Organization
August 7, 2021 from 8-5pm
We need volunteers to help count the uniform items when we receive them from our vendor and to organize them by order on August 7th from 8-5pm (we will break for lunch).
Also, join us to help unpack school supply orders from Edukits and deliver them directly to the teacher's classrooms. If a family purchased a kit after July 27th or bought school supplies on their own, they can be brought to school on Meet the Teacher Day.
All adults are welcome, please leave the kiddos at home.
Background check not required for volunteers.

Uniform Order Pickup
August 8, 2021 from 2-5pm
NMIS Drive-Thru by Administrative Office
We need volunteers to help hand out uniform orders to families. The more volunteers we have, the quicker and more efficient we can be!
All adults are welcome, please leave the kiddos at home.
Background check not required for volunteers.
Families picking up their order will need to:
- Enter the NMIS Montgomery Parking Lot from Mesilla Rd and keep to the right, following the parking lot around to the drive-thru overhang by the Administration Office (the same route as for late drop off last year).
- Wear a mask if not vaccinated
- Bring a copy of their order (printed preferred, an email is ok, or login to your account and bring up a digital copy of your order)
- Be patient and kind with us, we are all volunteers just trying to help the school!

Meet the Teacher / Uniform Pick-Up
August 10, 2021 from 2-4pm, 5-7pm
NMIS Gym (2-4pm) / NMIS Drive-Thru by Administrative Office (5-7pm)
We need volunteers to help hand out uniform orders to families. The more volunteers we have, the quicker and more efficient we can be!
All adults are welcome, please leave the kiddos at home.
Background check not required for volunteers.
Families picking up their order will need to:
- Enter the NMIS Montgomery Parking Lot from Mesilla Rd and keep to the right, following the parking lot around to the drive-thru overhang by the Administration Office (the same route as for late drop off last year).
- Wear a mask if not vaccinated
- Bring a copy of their order (printed preferred, an email is ok, or login to your account and bring up a digital copy of your order)
- Be patient and kind with us, we are all volunteers just trying to help the school!

Chipotle Fundraiser
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
4331 San Mateo Blvd NE
Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support NMISF. Come in to the Chipotle at 4331 San Mateo Blvd NE in Albuquerque on Wednesday, August 18th between
4:00pm and 8:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to NMISF.
- At the restaurant
- Online/App for PICKUP using code KQWWT7Q before checkout in ‘promo’ field. Orders placed on or through the Chipotle app for pickup using this unique code will be counted towards the fundraiser.

Bienvenidos Picnic - Canceled
Sunday, August 22, 2021 from 1-3pm
Novella Park
Join us for a picnic-style afternoon of catching up with old friends and eating new ones. Enjoy potato sack races, food and fun!
Help setup for the first NMIS event that kicks off the school year. We need volunteers to help set up tables and canopies, as well as assisting with trash pick-up after the event.

Balloon Aloft - CANCELED
NMIS Parking Lot
Balloon Aloft is CANCELED for Friday, October 1. We will be working with our pilot who has graciously offered to come back on another date. We know that this is a sad decision but as much as we would love this event to go forward, we think it’d be a pretty miserable morning to get up so early and either get rained out or not be able to see the balloon inflate.
What: Let’s celebrate the start of Balloon Fiesta by welcoming the Saki Bomber hot air balloon piloted by Loretta Zamora.
When: Join us Friday, October 1st at 7am to watch the balloon fill up around 7:30am. Children must be supervised at all times and cannot be dropped off at school early. The school’s Family Handbook policies apply for morning drop-off.
Where: NMIS Playground; Parking available in the Chama Lot, overflow in the Montgomery lot, please avoid street parking if you can to respect the neighborhood so early in the morning.
Who: Everyone is welcome at this free event.
Clothing: Friday will be a Uniform-Free Day for all NMIS students!
Food: We will not be serving or selling any food or drinks this year. Please BYO-Coffee&Snacks for the morning.
Fundraiser: Whether or not you can join us in the morning, you can color the picture (link below) at home and turn it in to be hung up at the school!
Covid Safety: CDC approved masks are mandatory for all attendees 3 years of age and older unless actively eating or drinking. Actively eating or drinking means consuming food or drinks; masks must be worn while chewing. We also encourage social distancing for non-family members. Please respect these rules and keep our community safe.
We need volunteers to help with setup, cleanup, and the activities planned.
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 23, 2021
NMIS Campus
One of the greatest, most fun-filled NMISF fundraisers is just around the corner: Save the date for Trunk-or-Treat on October 23rd.Come join us for this family fun event and dress up in your best costume. By utilizing our spacious campus we’ve found a fun, safe way for our community to celebrate Halloween. Generous volunteers will be decorating their cars and the kids will be able to walk from vehicle to vehicle, collecting candy and other treats, the way they would during a normal trick-or-treating outing.
We have only held this event one time in the past: the fall just prior to the COVID pandemic. It was so much fun for our children and our community! The NMIS staff and NMISF volunteers want to see this event happen for our students who are thirsting for some social gatherings.
When: October 23rd from 12-4pm.
We're hoping to break up the timing of Trunk or Treat to allow people to enjoy it more, with less crowd. Below are suggested sessions in order to limit the quantity of people at a given time. Families with multiple children go at the time session of their youngest student.
K-2nd (12-1:30 pm)
3-5th (1:30-3:00 pm)
6-8th (3:00-4:00 pm)
If you can't make it to your suggested time, please come when you can! The most important thing is to have you there! We can't wait to see everyone!
Where: NMIS Playground; Parking available in the Chama Lot, overflow in the Montgomery Lot - Please respect our neighbors and do not park on the street unless the parking lots are full.
Fun: We’re partnering with the Student Council to bring you some fun and spooky activities!
Cost: Entry is FREE!!
Activities from 1-3 tickets!
Commemorative photos range from 3-12 tickets!
Concessions for 1 ticket!
Coloring sheets for 1 ticket!
And so much more!!
Pre-Sale Tickets are available here:
Coloring Page: You can start the fun now by coloring a sugar skull to be displayed on our remembrance wall - just bring it with you Saturday. It can be found here: