Uniform Pick-up starts 7/26
There are several upcoming opportunities to pick-up your uniform order before school starts. Our supplier, Custom Prints and Promos, has graciously agreed to distribute uniforms for us this year. Below is important information on pick-up. Please read carefully as it differs from years past:
WHO: Anyone who placed an order for the 2023-2024 school year
WHAT: Come and pick-up your order ahead of the school year! We cannot guarantee you will get your order before the start of school if you don't pick-up during one of the windows below. If you can't make it, you can have someone else grab your order. If you still cannot make it, email us at uniforms@nmisf.org but please, make every effort to pick-up during one of the available times.
Wednesday 7/26 - Thursday 7/27
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday 8/1 - Wednesday 8/2
9:00am - 12:30pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
Custom Print and Promos
8415 Washington Pl NE
Suite D,
Albuquerque, NM 87113
Bring your order receipt. They need this to fulfill your order! If you are having someone else pick-up your order, be sure to give them your order receipt! We cannot release orders without this.
We thank you in advance for your patience with NMISF and Custom Prints and Promos. This is a new model for us so thank you for your understanding!
Uniform questions? Please direct them to NMISF, not Custom Prints and Promos.
Email us at uniforms@nmisf.org
The next discounted ordering window won't be until Fall 2023!
While you shop, please remember that the Foundation is staffed entirely by volunteers. Please be kind and patient with us!
Q: Why do I have to create an account?
A: The Foundation (NMISF) would like to ensure that families have a record of their orders for future reference. We also hope to add new items to the Shop, like spirit wear, and add new features to our website that will only be accessible if you have an account. We also require an account to protect the students at NMIS. Password reset instructions are in the FAQ, below.
Important Dates
May 25th
Uniform Sales Start
July 1st
Last Day to Order until Fall '23
Next ordering window at discounted price
Uniform Sale Details
Why? NMIS has a specific dress code for students that meet the NMIS Uniform Policy. Dress code-approved outwear is required indoors but any jackets are allowed outside, such as at recess.

Return and Exchange Policy
No Returns; No Exchanges; All Sales Final
Please, check Your Order Carefully Before Purchasing.
Things to look for:
Youth vs. Adult sizes
Elementary vs. Middle School
Correct size
Thank you for your understanding!
Where can I purchase uniform polos, spirit shirts, zip-up hoodies, and fleece jackets?The Foundation is the exclusive vendor for uniform polos, spirit shirts, zip-up hoodies, and fleece jackets. Please visit our Shop to purchase these items.
When will uniform polos be available to purchase?Ordering is available now, visit our shop. Our next bulk ordering window will be Fall 2023. Families are encouraged to order sufficient uniform clothing before school begins.
When will spirit shirts, zip-up hoodies, and fleece jackets be available to purchase?The main ordering window ended July 14th. However, you may still purchase items but we cannot guarantee they will be here before the start of school. Email us if you have any questions: uniforms@nmisf.org The Foundation is the exclusive vendor for spirit shirts, zip-up hoodies, and all outerwear. The outerwear complies with the School’s dress code. The Foundation does not carry any inventory of uniforms.
Why are K-5 Adult Polos more expensive?The K-5 Adult Polos are much more expensive for the Foundation to purchase than the K-5 Youth Polos.
I’m not ready to order uniform shirts yet, can I wait?NMIS has a dress code that all students must comply with beginning the first day of school. The Foundation recommends that parents order uniforms over to ensure their student(s) is ready for the first day of school. Post-summer orders can take a month or more to fulfill and the items are no longer discounted. The Foundation may have additional ordering opportunites but does not gurantee any particular time. Families are always encouraged to order sufficient uniform clothing before school begins.
Can I return my order?Unfortunately no, all sales are final. Due to the unique nature of NMIS uniforms, we cannot return items to our supplier to be used elsewhere. The Foundation is staffed by volunteers who donate a significant amount of time to organize the uniform sale and handle the accounting. We do not have the ability or capacity to process returns.
Help! I ordered the wrong size or type of shirt, what do I do?The Foundation is staffed by volunteers and we do not have the capacity to handle returns. If you ordered the wrong item(s), we encourage you to reach out to other families to re-sell the item and then to make a new order. In some situations we may be able to help but cannot make any promises, please contact the Foundation at info@nmisf.org.
Will long sleeve uniform polos be available?No, there will not be a long sleeve polo option available for sale this year. The long sleeve polos were retired from uniform sales in 2019. If you have used ones, they can still be worn but we will not be selling them anymore. Per the School's Uniform Policy, students can wear solid colored long sleeve shirts underneath their polos and still be in uniform.
Does the Foundation sell uniform pants, shorts and skirts?No, but examples of where to purchase these items are listed in the Family Handbook, Appendix G. Please note that specific dark blue and khaki pants are required, not just any bottom in the correct color.
What if I need more uniform items later this year?After the Back-to-School Sale, uniform polos and zip-up hoodies may be purchased on a limited basis on the website throughout the year but for the regular price. There will be a very limited inventory of uniform zip-up hoodies. However, it is very important to note that we cannot guarantee that you will receive your order before school starts, so please plan accordingly. Purchases can be made through our Shop. The Foundation sells items on a first-come, first-served basis. If the Foundation runs out of inventory, it will take a month or more for us to obtain more. Please plan accordingly or reach out to our fantastic community if you need a shirt and we cannot immediately meet your needs. If the item you need is out of stock, please email us at uniforms@nmisf.org. Families are always encouraged to order sufficient uniform clothing before school begins.
Can I buy polos from Walmart and have my own uniform shirts made?No. It is a copyright violation to put the School logo on your own apparel or to have a uniform vendor create uniform tops for you, as well as a violation of the spirit in which NMIS operates. The Foundation is the exclusive vendor for providing uniform shirts for the School and has contracted with a company to ensure that specific threads and colors are used to embroider the School's logo onto uniforms. Per the Uniform Policy, students wearing incorrect uniforms will be sent to the office and remain there until parents/guardians bring a new uniform top.
I cannot afford to purchase uniforms this year, who should I talk to?Please contact Ms. Carmen, the School’s fantastic Registrar, at registrar@nmis.org to discuss options that the School has for families needing assistance with uniforms. Ms. Carmen will be out for summer break and returns to the school a week or two before school starts. Some information is also available in the Family Handbook, Appendix G.
I have questions about the order I placed, who should I talk to?Please contact the Foundation at info@nmisf.org
Why do I need a uniform?NMIS has a School Uniform Policy: "The students at NMIS are required to wear a school uniform. The main reasons for having a uniform policy are to eliminate subjectivity in the appropriateness of a child’s clothing, promote school unity, as well as to help mask the socio-economic status of the families of our school. Students demonstrate their commitment to school spirit and community by following the uniform policy." The specific details of this policy can be found in the Family Handbook. If you have questions, please contact the School directly.
What items are part of the uniform?Each student's uniform is composed of - a polo with the NMIS logo - uniform bottoms - a zip-up hoodie or fleece jacket with the NMIS logo (optional but required outerwear for indoors) Students are required to be in uniform at all times except recess, when any outerwear can be worn. The long sleeve polo was retired from uniform sales in 2019 (i.e., it is no longer available for purchase) but it can still be worn per the dress code. Any other item is not permissible even if it has the NMIS logo on it, including sweaters.
Why should I purchase a zip-up hoodie or fleece jacket?Per the School's Uniform Policy, students cannot “cover up” their uniform shirt with something that is not “uniform” while indoors. The Foundation sells zip-up hoodies and fleece jackets for students wanting to bring something warmer to wear during class. Parents are highly encouraged to purchase outerwear!
What is a spirit shirt and when can my child wear it?Spirit shirts are special annual t-shirts available from the Foundation. These special shirts may be worn in place of the regular uniform top of Fridays. This shirt changes every year and, per the Uniform Policy, only the one for the current year may be worn. Please do not send your child to school in an old spirit shirt.
Can I personalize my child’s uniform polo?No. Per the Uniform Policy, students are not allowed to personalize their uniform polos. Students are encouraged to have their name written inside of their clothing in case it becomes lost, but embroidered or printed personalization on the outside of uniform polos is prohibited.
Can I personalize my child’s zip-up hoodie or fleece jacket?Yes! Per the Uniform Policy, students are allowed to personalize their uniform outerwear with their first and/or last name embroidered in yellow gold lettering in either print or script font. NMISF does not provide this service but local shops can add personalization for you.
My child doesn't like the navy or red K-5th outerwear, can an elementary school student wear middle school outerwear or vice-versa?No, the Uniform Policy has specific uniforms for elementary school students and different uniform requirements for middle school students. K-5 must wear a red or navy uniform polo, and a navy zip-up hoodie or red fleece. 6-8 must wear a maroon or light blue uniform polo, and a maroon zip-up hoodie or black fleece.
My 5th grader is going to 6th grade at NMIS, do they need new uniform tops?Yes, the middle school students have a different dress code than the elementary school students. Sixth, seventh and eigth grade students are expected to wear maroon or light blue uniform polos and can wear maroon zip-up hoodies or black fleece jackets. You can donate your child’s old uniform to the School. Ms. Eliza, the School’s wonderful receptionist, will handle donations and Ms. Carmen, the School’s fantastic Registrar, will handle distributions. Please contact registrar@nmis.org with any questions.
Where do I donate my child's old uniform clothing?The School has a drop-off bin in the front office. Please contact registrar@nmis.org if you have questions, as the Foundation no longer handles used uniform donations. You may also bring them to Village Pizza from 3-6pm on June 26th and the Foundation will deliver donate uniforms to the School for you.
Can I donate my child’s old uniforms?Yes! The School accepts donations of new or gently used uniform polos, hoodies, pants, shorts, and skirts. Spirit shirts from previous years are not accepted. Ms. Eliza, the School’s wonderful receptionist, will handle donations and Ms. Carmen, the School’s fantastic Registrar, will handle distributions, please contact registrar@nmis.org. Note that School staff are on summer break and will return at the end of July.
The Foundation had a used uniform sale in the past, why are you not having one anymore?In previous years the Foundation collected donations of old uniform shirts, hoodies, and bottoms and sold them at a reduced price. However, because the sale was first-come, first-served, we found that many families who needed this low-cost alternative were not able to purchase items because they sold out too quickly. So, the Foundation has instead decided to allow the School to distribute these donated items directly to families needing assistance. These items will be available year round. The Foundation does not assist with used uniforms anymore. Ms. Eliza, the School’s wonderful receptionist, will handle donations and Ms. Carmen, the School’s fantastic Registrar, will handle distributions. Please contact registrar@nmis.org for information. School staff are on summer break and will return at the end of July.
I can’t afford to purchase shirts this year, who should I talk to?Please contact Ms. Carmen, the School’s fantastic Registrar, at registrar@nmis.org to discuss options that the School has for families needing assistance with uniforms. Some information is also available in the Family Handbook, Appendix G. School staff are on summer break and will return at the end of July.
Are parents allowed to buy uniform shirts, hoodies, jackets, and spirit shirts to wear as spirit wear in support of the School?No, for the safety of NMIS students, we respectfully ask that you do not purchase uniform polos, hoodies, jackets, or spirit shirts for anyone but a student to wear. The Foundation sells spirit wear for parents - black t-shirts, green fleece jackets, and gray and pink zip-up hoodies - only those items are acceptable for parents to wear. If you have ideas for spirit wear for teachers and parents, please let us know at uniforms@nmisf.org.
Are teachers and NMIS staff allowed to buy uniform shirts, hoodies, jackets and spirit shirts to wear?No, however, NMIS teachers and staff may purchase black t-shirts, green fleece jackets, and grey or pink zip-up hoodies sold by the Foundation to show their support for NMIS. If you are interested in spirit wear for staff and teachers, please let us know at info@nmisf.org. NMISF is offering a discount on these items for NMIS teachers and staff. Email us at uniforms@nmisf.org for more information.
Is there NMIS spirit wear from parents, teachers, and staff this year?Yes, the Foundation sells spirit wear for parents, teachers and staff on a limited basis and we intend to do so each year. This year, you can purchase black t-shirts, green fleece jackets, and dark gray or pink hoodies - If you are interested in spirit wear for parents, teachers and staff, please let us know at info@nmisf.org.
I'm an NMIS teacher or staff member, can I get a discount?Yes, send us a message at uniforms@nmisf.org to get your discount code. Please be patient, we are all volunteers and will respond as quickly as we can.
In years past the Foundation sold water bottles, can I buy one?We are not selling water bottles at this time but may have them available in the future. We would love to hear about your interest in spirit items, so please contact us at info@nmisf.org.
I have ideas about uniforms and spirit wear, who should I talk to?Please contact the Foundation at info@nmisf.org.
Why do I have to create an account?The Foundation would like to ensure that families have a record of their orders for future reference. We also hope to add new items to the Shop, like spirit wear, and add new features to our website that will only be accessible if you have an account. We also require an account to protect the students at NMIS.
I forgot my password, what should I do?- Go to https://www.nmisf.org/uniforms - Click the button at the top of the page for the Shop - A sign up page will appear and at the top click “Log In” instead of entering your information. - Select “Log In With Email” - Click “Forgot Password” below to two spots to enter your email and password - Type in the email you used - Click “Create Password” - Check your email and follow the link to reset your password. - You will have to go back to https://www.nmisf.org/uniforms, click the button says Shop, click “Log In,” and select “Log In With Email.” Enter your email and new password here. This should take you to the Shop and allow you to purchase uniforms.
Do I have to have a PayPal account to purchase items?No, you do not need an account to pay for items through PayPal. You can login and pay through an account or pay directly with a credit card.